Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay about Democracy - 1421 Words
Like a living organism, democracy must be born into a time where the parents, circumstances, are right to understand the potential of such a child, democracy, and the soil, society, may be described as the type of state that is ready to accept and nurture that child. Metaphors aside, democracy has been noted to provide a better opportunity for human development. Democracy is also commonly defined as a political system that is associated with free and fair elections. A democratic regime simply refers to a system of governance that places sovereignty in the citizen’s hands which allow them to contribute to the process of decision-making through their elected officials. Democracy is not as old as many may originally think. As recent as 1974,†¦show more content†¦These breakdowns can occur through military action, a seizure of power by the opposition, or a collapse of the state. When a collapse occurs, the state cannot coerce and is unable to successfully control the inha bitants of the given territory. Diamond conveys an important reason why some authoritarian regimes lose domestic legitimacy. The citizens of a state may not be confident in their government when â€Å"†¦ they fulfill their self-proclaimed missions and become redundant or when they completely fail to do so and clearly cannot deliver,†(Diamond 91). Failures of dictatorial regimes in countries like Greece and Argentina were a result of bad economic or political performances. Another example of authoritarian failure occurred in Africa in the early 1990s. Most African countries were severely set back because of massive foreign debts. In order to pay back some of these loans, many governments of these African countries would use almost four times their export earnings leaving the government with no funds to provide basic services for its citizens. These failures were not just economic but political as well. It got to a point where these â€Å"†¦ authoritarian states bec ame too broke to buy off their opposition and too exhausted to repress them, protests escalated,†(Diamond 93). These protests had prompted not just a change in the leader, but a change in theShow MoreRelatedDemocracy Is Not A Democracy1297 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.†said by John Adams Defines our country s government to a tea Democracy commonly refers to a type of political system in which the people or their representatives lawfully govern themselves, rather than being governed, say, by a military dictatorship, totalitarian party or monarchRead MoreDemocracy : Democracy Vs. 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