Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Foresight of Hong Kong logistics development Essay
Foresight of Hong Kong logistics development - Essay Example With the seventh largest stock exchange, Hong Kong enjoys large market capitalization. The growth in the economy of Hong Kong has been as a result of foresight in logistic development. The high population density plus its position in mainland China has forced the government of Hong Kong to plan and develop effective logistic to drive economic growth. Logistics in Hong Kong responsible for growth include, a good transportation network, development of a free economy, low taxation, good government policies and a good communication network. Hong Kong is situated at the heart of mainland Asia. Located at the Southern doorstep of China, it is within a 5 hour flight period from most of the other Asian countries, thus having access to about half of the population of the world (Li, 2007). The location of Hong Kong has also led it to act as the gateway for trade to and from southern China. The location has granted Hong Kong access to the Pearl River Delta, where over 31% of the Mainland’s export products are manufactured (LOGSCOUNCIL, 2013). Its location also allows Hong Kong to access a large supply of labor from neighboring areas. The region has an abundant supply of both skilled and unskilled laborers that facilitate business growth, both local and international. Hong Kong instituted CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement) which lets local and foreign-owned corporations within Hong Kong to access the various opportunities that the fast growing Chinese market offers. This partnership also allows service providers to take advantage of the fastest growing service market in terms of logistics, transport sales agency, freight forwarding and road and maritime transport, and set up businesses in the Mainland (GovHK, 2013). The trend setting agreement also allows businesses in Hong Kong to expand on the mainland and strengthen the role of Hong Kong as the leading gateway for
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Cultural Traits Of The Ancient Greeks English Literature Essay
Cultural Traits Of The Ancient Greeks English Literature Essay Cultural traits can be identified as attributes of a specific civilization in relation to their geography and time period that the civilization existed. The ancient Greek civilization is one of several that we have studied whos cultural traits can be identified as Greek and some that were partly adopted. Many of these cultural traits are evident in works of art that survived the collapse of the Greek civilization. Like many other ancient civilizations, their cultural traits can be identified through literary works. Cultural traits from the ancient Greeks can be found today in our current society. In the next three paragraphs I will discuss some of the ancient Greek cultural traits, how they are displayed in their literature and how some of these are still evident in present day society. The ancient Greek civilization, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting civilizations in history. It was during this time period that we take notice of new and important ways of thinking displayed by an ancient culture, in this case, the Greeks. The ancient Greeks were the first civilization to start stressing the importance of intelligence and having a natural understanding of the world around them. This particular trait is due mostly in part to the Sophists, more commonly known as the professors of the ancient world. The Sophists greatly encouraged being intelligent and asking questions in search of the truth. They believed the truth was relative to each individual situation and that there are no single truths. This trait is an important change that was beneficial for all societies preceding the Greeks even though it created trouble for them during this time period. As the common folk began to ask questions and improve their intelligence, the political organizations and the G reek government had their hands full trying to keep the masses at bay. This trait would eventually contribute to the fall of the ancient Greek empire. The Greeks were a very anthropocentric culture believing man was the center of everything. They demonstrate this through their religion, which was partly adopted by the earlier Mycenaeans, and the gods they believed in. Even though they worshipped the gods, to them they were only referees and man was essentially the master of his own destiny. The society was dominated by the male gender by not lending any power and very little rights to the women. However, this is not unusual among ancient civilizations. The ancient Greeks also valued morals and tried to keep them at a high standard. This trait was also very important to the advancement of this and later societies by trying to maintain ones family and hold it together using good morals. Two literary works that demonstrate the ancient Greeks cultural traits are Sophocles Oedipus the King and Aristophanes Lysistrata. Sophocles makes this evident at the very beginning of Oedipus the King when Oedipus talks to the commoners who are kneeling at an altar praying. He asks them why they dont come and voice their concerns to him instead of the Gods. Oedipus believes he could do more than the Gods to help them and the city of Thebes. This is exemplary of the ancient Greek anthropocentric view. The importance of holding a family together is also demonstrated by Oedipus. When he receives the prophecy stating he would kill his father and marry his mother, he leaves the city of Corinth. It would be morally wrong for this prophecy to come true and that is why Oedipus disappears to Thebes. Going against wise council from Jocasta, Oedipus goes in search for the truth and discovers that in doing so he had fulfilled his prophecy and had ashamed his family. This embarrassment leads to the suicide of Jocasta and the blindness of Oedipus who at this point has completely self-destructed. In this story, Sophocles is saying, stay morally true to your family or lose everything you once loved. Accepting wise council from the ones closest to you displays much intelligence. Aristophanes displays these same traits in Lysistrata. In this story, Lysistrata demonstrates a keen intellect by devising the plan that eventually brings peace to Greece. This takes great insight into what is actually causing the problem and coming up with a clever solution. Aristophanes also demonstrates how the Greeks were a very patriarchal society. He does this when the women in the story talk about their normal duties around the home and in society, which wasnt much more than household slaves. Lysistrata also makes an example of how good morals keep a family together. Aristophanes does so when the women talk about how they never see their husbands and it makes them sad. Lysistrata and the other G reek woman make it known to the men how important the family is by taking away what they enjoy the most, in this case its sex. These same traits are the foundation of todays society. Thats the only reason Im taking this class. It is important to get an education. It increases my ability to make good decisions in life and find a good job. This will in turn make my life easier and give me the ability to spend more time doing the things that I love. Finding a mate in this world can be tough. Intelligence just happens to be one of the two most sought after qualities by a woman. To me, this is just a few of the many examples of how intelligence plays a role in everything that I do. Morals are also essential to have in todays society. That point has been stressed to me since the very beginning of my life. Without morals it would be very hard to make friends or keep a good reputation among co-workers at just about any job one could think of. It seems that good morals have been on decline in recent years. As the divorce rate increases it seems that the crime rate has increased at almost the same pace. Research has s hown that 90% of divorces are caused by finances. This could all be alleviated by getting an education to help make ones income more stable. Society has in my opinion made leaps and bounds in the treatment of women. Womens rights have come a long way in the last 50 years by gaining higher average wages and the right to vote. Most dont realize that women, logistically, were the reason America played a major role in ending World War II. I dont think that todays society has the same anthropocentric view of the world that ancient Greeks did. However, I do believe that a certain amount of anthropocentrism is inherent in human nature. Even with religion playing a major role in todays society, I still observe men and women walking around believing that they ultimately have the final say on what happens in their environment. This doesnt mean people believe they are the center of the universe. It just means that we help ourselves before we help our environment. This in turn may eventually lead to the demise of the human race because we need our environment to survive In conclusion, I have identified several traits that were possessed by the ancient Greek culture and how these traits were evident in their literary works. It is important to understand how ancient civilizations worked so that we can learn from their mistakes. This will help people in todays society progress as a whole. If we hadnt learned from our past, we wouldnt have but a small portion of the technology and artistic culture that we have today. I think that people as a whole really want the best for other people. By understanding other cultures, ancient or present, we can better understand who we are and where we are headed.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Look Back, A Spotlight on Education :: Free Essays Online
My Eighth grade English teacher walked around the classroom, in a daily ritual, glancing over pages of circled letters, occasionally muttering, "turn", in an exhausted, apathetic tone. Many of my classmates used the time she had allotted for "checking homework" to socialize, while others frantically fumbled for a pencil, asked for a neighbor’s workbook, circled, underlined, and copied while occasionally lifting their heads up to see how far down the rows she had gotten and how close she was getting to them. Needless to say, it wasn’t hard to copy another student’s homework. We had already been in this "orange vocabulary book" system for two years by the time we were in the eighth grade. The workbook called for no originality or unique thought, so all of our little workbooks were expected to look exactly alike, all the same a’s circled, the same words underlined. It was possible that on any given weeknight, ten out of the twenty-five students in class would actually bother to do the assigned vocabulary homework. A few of us would copy a friend’s answer a little before, or even during class. There were still a few students that wouldn’t even put in that much effort into the English class, and would readily take the "zero" in the grade-book for the day. After the all-important "homework checking ritual" was through with, we all reluctantly opened up the vocabulary books for the "checking the answer" ritual. Starting with the front right corner of the classroom, students began reading off answers, letters and words, and nothing else, one after another, being occasionally corrected, and fed the right answer. I can’t say I learned too much from this vocabulary practice. I sat in my desk, looking at the clock mounted on the wall, listening to a random letters and words, with no other connotation, explanation, or implication of them, occasionally checking to see how far along the line we had gotten so that I would be able to answer promptly when it was my turn. For my teacher, however, vocabulary practice time seemed like the best part of the school day, next to her lunch break. She really didn’t choose to put much effort into the practices at all. The students didn’t protest, of course. It was an easy part of the day for us too. The vocabulary quizzes, did make up a big part of our grade in the class, as the vocabulary practices did take up a great deal of class time.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Criminal Justice Communications Essay
Communication is part of everyday life. Though we all have the ability to communicate, it is communicating effectively that matters most. Whether you are giving a speech, teaching a class or having a conversation with a co-worker, communicating effectively can make the difference between being understood and being dismissed. Therefore, it is important to understand the principles of effective communication and how you can apply them in your everyday conversations. Show Respect When speaking to another person or a large crowd, show respect to your audience. Use wording and verbiage that correspond to the same educational level as your audience. For instance, you wouldn’t use complex financial terms with a group of fifth graders to explain how a bank works as you would with a group of college students. Never Interrupt Whether communicating one-on-one or with a group is it impolite to interrupt anyone while they are speaking to you. This includes cutting someone off when she is asking a question you already know the answer to. Allow the individual to finish making her point before responding. Otherwise, the communication becomes one-sided and ineffective. Show Kindness Start your communication by making yourself friendly and approachable. This can include smiling and beginning communication with honest praise. When the situation warrants a serious conversation, such as reprimanding a student or employee, be professional about it and keep the tone non-confrontational and informative. Do not let emotions or outside thoughts affect how you communicate with the individual and keep the conversation geared toward the issue. Show Interest Communication does not just revolve around what you say but how you act while another is speaking to you. Show that you are interested in what the person is saying by giving him your full attention. Maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to and do not allow yourself to be distracted by people walking by or other activities in the room. Nod your head to let the speaker know you understand what he is saying. Choose Your Time Select the right time for your communication. Typically, cornering someone at the end of the day when she wants to go home or during a stressful part of the day will make the communication less effective or put pressure on both parties to curtail the discussion. Do not try to communicate to people who are preoccupied with other tasks or try to listen to someone while you are so occupied. Have an Objective There is an objective with every form of communication, even the simplest one. If your objective is to teach a coworker how to use a new spreadsheet, and then make sure you are prepared to teach him how to use it with notes or by showing him physically. Use clear and concise wording and ask for feedback. Do not allow yourself to get off task from your objective or distracted. Once you’ve delivered your message or instructions, either have your co-worker review what you’ve told him or have him demonstrate the task hands-on to show his understanding.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mis Wintergear Case Study Essay
MIS 2301 Winter Gear Distribution Case Study wPlaces order Confirm order and delivery date, issues invoice confirms invoice fulfills order and ships goods follow up delivery conditions met, and payment received wPlaces order Confirm order and delivery date, issues invoice confirms invoice fulfills order and ships goods follow up delivery conditions met, and payment received Winter Gear Distribution Winter Gear Distribution FastFit FastFit 1. WGB WGB FastFit FastFit 2. A single personnel computer A single personnel computer Sales Sales scanner scanner Operations Operations Arrows| Flow of operation| 1| FastFit places order with sales personnel over the phone | 2| Sales manually completes paper order forms and sends confirmation to Fastfit for each order and their delivery dates| 3| FastFit confirms for orders to be filled| 4| Operations fills and ships orders to Fastfit| 5| Accounting issues invoice to FastFit| 6| FastFit fulfills payment as agreed| LAN with 4 personal computers, printer, and file server LAN with 4 personal computers, printer, and file server IBM ASA 400 system with 3 CRT-terminals IBM ASA 400 system with 3 CRT-terminals Accounting Accounting WAN to connect departments WAN to connect departments 3. If customers call and ask for the status of their orders, the answer would generally be simple because the order can be labeled as processing, fulfilled, shipped, or delivered. If the customer wanted more details, and depending on the tracking systems that the company uses, they may or may not be able to give them the general location of the order (UPS map tracking). Companies would general want to fulfill orders in a timely fashion, so pushing orders out of warehouses would be recorded and their status updated, therefore, it is not much of a business problem. 4. Errors in filling orders are likely because, for example, for ordering online, a customer can general edit shipment addresses, or items in their cart while the order has still not been shipped. If the company operated like WGD and had no communication between their departmental systems, confusion on the what, where, and how much of a customer’s order can be messed up or not reflect the changes. Aside from the er rors of processing orders, delivery can have errors as well, such as late deliveries or deliveries to the wrong addresses. The business impact is that customers will be dissatisfied and frustrated due to the inefficiency of the supplier company. They will complain about the timeliness, or operation of a company which would harm the company’s reputation and possibly decrease revenues. Bad reviews by customers can lose a company’s past customers or ward away new ones. 5. Steps | Time elapsed | Customer places order with WGD| ~30-60 mins (over the phone, not very time consuming)| WGD processes order | ~1 day (must check inventory, input order into system)| WGD sends confirmation of order and delivery dates| ~within 1 day (email, digitally)| WGD fulfills and ships order| ~2 days (packages order, checks it over, updates order system input, ships out)| Customer receives shipment| ~3-4 days (delivery is most time consuming but since standard delivery is 5-8 days, fulfillment and delivery add up to about 5 if in U.S)| WGD issues invoice | Occurs during delivery| Customer fulfills payment| Varies, can be immediately or with a payment plan| WGD can likely ship an order within about 2-3 days but delivery time will be between 5-8 days. This is not a business problem because most companies operate similarly with standard delivery times, however, WGD can improve their efficiency, reduce errors, and increase customer satisfaction if they updated their systems to be interconnected and more modern technology. 6. A scanner in the Sales Department would reduce the time needed to manually input process forms. A WAN network would also be useful because it would connect the Sales, Operations, and Accounting Departments despite being in different buildings; this decreases error probability and increases efficiency in processing, fulfillment, and shipment. ( See red figures in diagram in Q2 for changes in technology to WGD).
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